From July 25th 14:00 PST to July 29 20:41 PST, some emails sent via ChargeOver were delayed.
Only emails sent via ChargeOver’s email provider were affected (emails sent via ChargeOver’s custom SMTP, custom SendGrid, Mailgun, and Mandrill integrations were not impacted.)
On two separate days in July, malicious users logged into two separate ChargeOver accounts, and used them to send a large number of spam/scam emails.
The ChargeOver accounts were customers of ChargeOver - no
Both ChargeOver accounts used extremely easy to guess passwords, used those passwords across many other applications beyond ChargeOver, and did not have 2FA/MFA enabled within ChargeOver. Malicious actors were able to guess the ChargeOver users' passwords to log in to ChargeOver. ChargeOver itself was not hacked and did not suffer any sort of security breach.
This led to ChargeOver’s primary email provider (SendGrid) temporarily placing a hold on some outgoing email from ChargeOver.
ChargeOver worked closely with SendGrid to restore normal email delivery.
We’ve identified a number of items to be addressed to protect against future attacks, and mitigate impact.
The most important item is to encourage all ChargeOver customers to enable 2FA/MFA on their ChargeOver account. Enabling 2FA/MFA is the quick, easy, free, and the single most important thing anyone can to do protect against any sort of unauthorized access to any application you use online. ChargeOver customers will see a push for 2FA/MFA adoption across all ChargeOver accounts.
Items already accomplished during the July 13 - July 29th period:
Future plans: